Amazon Brand Store for Home Hardware Brand

Prima home hardware, our client, a highly respected brand in the home hardware industry, boasts a strong offline presence built over a successful 10-year journey in North America. They are renowned for their diverse product range, catering to various customer needs and budgets.

They have approached us:

  • Leverage the vast customer base of Amazon: Tap into the millions of potential customers actively searching for home hardware products on the platform.
  • Complement their existing brand identity: Ensure the online store reflects the brand’s values, messaging, and reputation established through their offline success.
  • Enhance product discoverability: Design a user-friendly experience that allows customers to easily find the products they need and understand their features and benefits.

Challenge: Translating Offline Success Online:

While the brand enjoys a well-established reputation offline, the challenge lies in replicating this success within the competitive online landscape of Amazon. Our task is to create an Amazon Brand Store that effectively translates their brand identity and product offerings into a compelling online experience, driving sales and fostering long-term customer loyalty.

Problem Statement:

We were tasked with creating an Amazon Brand Store for a client selling a diverse range of home hardware products. The challenge was to develop a store that:

  • Embodies the brand identity: The store should accurately reflect the brand’s image, values, and messaging.
  • Enhances product discovery and understanding: Customers need to easily navigate the store, understand product features and benefits, and make informed buying decisions quickly.
  • Drives sales and brand loyalty: The store should encourage customers to purchase products and develop a long-term connection with the brand.

Additional Considerations:

  • The brand offers a wide variety of home hardware products, catering to different needs and budgets.
  • The target audience is diverse, ranging from DIY enthusiasts to homeowners seeking basic hardware solutions.
  • The competitive landscape within the home hardware category on Amazon is highly saturated.

Our Solution:

We Built a Compelling Brand Store in this step by step process.

1. Prioritizing Product Visibility and Clarity:

  • Focus on product presentation: We ensured each product was clearly visible and easily identifiable for the target audience. This involved optimizing product images, utilizing clean layouts, and providing concise product descriptions.
  • Leveraging the Brand Store advantage: Recognizing that Amazon Brand Stores are often frequented by purchase-intent customers, we prioritized elements that facilitate easy decision-making and conversion.

2. Building Brand Identity through Design:

  • Cohesive visual language: We selected brand colors and a theme that resonated with the established offline brand identity, ensuring a consistent look and feel across both channels. This fostered brand recognition and trust within the online space.
  • We chose amazon brand store modules in such a manner that the images highlighted what was important to make buying decisions.

3. Efficient Product Organization:

  • Streamlined category navigation: Each product category received a dedicated page on the Brand Store, allowing for organized browsing and quick access to relevant products.
  • Inventory comprehensiveness: We ensured all products within a category were listed on the respective page, eliminating the need for customers to search through multiple pages.

4. Compelling Content for Informed Decisions:

Captivating imagery and titles: We crafted compelling product images, accompanied by clear and descriptive titles. This combination aimed to build trust, communicate product benefits, and encourage quicker buying decisions.

5. Integrating Lifestyle Imagery:

Lifestyle mockups and visuals: We incorporated lifestyle images showcasing the products in realistic home settings. This allowed customers to visualize how the products would integrate into their own living spaces, fostering a sense of connection and aiding in the decision-making process.

6. Seamless Shopping Experience:

Image and product linking: Each image and page within the Brand Store linked directly to the corresponding product on the Amazon platform. This streamlined the shopping journey, allowing customers to purchase with just a click, enhancing user experience and conversion rates.

By implementing these steps, we aimed to create a Brand Store that not only showcased the client’s diverse product range but also effectively translated their offline brand identity and success into the competitive online landscape.


The overall data suggests a positive impact of the optimization efforts. Increased views per visitor, a higher number of new visitors, and a lower bounce rate indicate improved user engagement and potentially higher brand awareness.

The significant increase in total sales and positive growth across all product categories demonstrate the success of the brand store optimization in boosting sales

Overall Brand Store Traffic Increase:

  • Increased Views per Visitor: Both overall and new visitor views per visitor have increased significantly after optimization. This suggests the store has become more engaging, potentially due to improved product presentation, navigation, or content.
  • Higher New Visitor Count: The number of new visitors has more than doubled, indicating the optimization efforts have attracted a wider audience to the store.
  • Reduced Bounce Rate: The average bounce rate has decreased by 5%, suggesting visitors are staying longer and engaging more with the store after optimization.

Overall Sales Growth:

Total sales increased significantly: There was a 97% increase in total sales after optimization, from $6,269.68 to $12,549.00. This is a positive outcome, suggesting the optimization efforts were successful in driving sales.

Individual Category Performance: Increased sales across all categories: All product categories saw a positive change in sales after optimization.

  • Home Page: Sales increased by 66%.
  • Floor Register: Sales increased by 140%.
  • Door Pulls Handles: Sales increased by 145%.


Overall, the data strongly suggests that the optimization efforts were valuable in driving significant revenue improvement for the brand. The data presented reveals promising outcomes from the Amazon brand store optimization efforts. Across both brand store traffic and sales data, positive trends are observed in key metrics. Increased engagement, a wider audience reach, and a significant growth in overall sales indicate a successful implementation of the optimization strategy.

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